Friday, April 15, 2011

Don't Let the Rain Keep You Away from Rainbow!

It's raining and there's even a bit of snow in the forecast. How appropriate because we have a Rainbow coming on Monday! I know it's a corny opening for our next AViD author but hey, you have to admit, it fits.

Rainbow Rowell is headed our way next Monday, April 18 and she will be here at the Central Library for a little reception (at 5:00 PM) prior to her free program which begins at 7:00 PM. So far, I haven't been able to discover the story behind her name but hopefully she will share that and many other fun facts about herself and her writing. I do know, from her blogs, that she is a great writer, loves all things related to Glee, and has a quirky sense of humor.

Her book, Attachments, has been described as a "romantic comedy" and is a quick but delightful read with a fresh way of considering the consequences of social media within the work environment. Suffice to say, that this first novel, promises a great start for Rainbow in the world of fiction. I keep thinking that it would be a great movie, sort of a Harry Met Sally type of light-hearted comedy.

I like how Alice Meyer from Beaverdale Books described it in this week's issue of Cityview: "The characters are likeable, and we wish them well. Then there's the subtext of how we tend to email the person in the next cubicle rather than speak with them, and the fact that we give up all privacy when we login at the workplace." She continues, "Attachments will put a spring in your step!"

If you'd like a chance to spend some time with Rainbow at a reception prior to her talk, give a call to the DMPL Foundation at 248-6402. The $35 reception includes food, drink, a copy of Attachments, and a lovely AViD tote bag. I hope to see you there!

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