Saturday, December 19, 2009

Half Broke Horses

I just finished reading Jeannette Walls delightful new book called Half Broke Horses and give it the highest of recommendations. If you liked her first book, The Glass Castle, you must read this one because it is all about her mother's mother who grew up during the depression on a ranch in Arizona and provides wonderful insight to Jeannette's mother's life.

I wish my dad, who was a cowboy himself, could have read this book. There were many descriptions and comments that reminded me of him--roping calves, taming wild horses, wearing Levi's until they develped a fine patina of dirt, manure, and grease. This was one book that I read during the middle of the night and could hardly stop reading. It transported me back to many of the places we have often visited in Arizona and reminded me of the grit of some of our ancestors.

Enjoy the holidays and take some time to read!

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