Friday, March 18, 2011

Social Media Guru Coming to the Library!

Meet Jay Baer, Author of The Now Revolution on Monday, March 21

People often tell me that I have one of the best jobs in the world and I have to admit, I think so, too. I love marketing the library and I love authors! So next week, we have a social media guru/author stopping by the Central Library. Is that perfect, or what?

Strategic America is bringing Jay Baer, globally recognized social media strategist and co-author of the newly released book, The Now Revolution, to Des Moines. They are partnering with the DMPL and The Book Store, along with five professional marketing organizations: the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA), American Advertising Federation of Des Moines (AAF of Des Moines), American Marketing Association (AMA) and the Social Media Club of Des Moines (SMCDSM).

There will be two events. The first is a lunch seminar from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM, where you can receive a copy of The Now Revolution, a catered lunch and an opportunity to have Baer sign their copy of the book. The cost for that is $35; which includes the lunch and the book. Register at:

The second event is a free evening program at 6:30 PM. You can meet Jay and he plans to “discuss the book’s principles on how every employee in an organization must contribute to capitalize on today’s real-time business.” Both events will be at the Central Library.

Just in case you don’t know, Jay Baer is a world-renowned social media strategist and the founder of five companies including, Convince & Convert, a “hype-free” social media consulting firm that works with companies to harness the power of the web. According to his bio, Jay has “worked with numerous corporations including Nike, Sony, and Head
& Shoulders, to harness the power of the web and to productively utilize social media.“

I’m planning to be there, ready to take all the notes that I can. Perhaps you’d care to join me?

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