Sunday, November 15, 2009

Well, the AViD 2010 series has its first confirmed author--Peter Hedges! Peter has a new book coming out in March 2010 called, The Heights, and asked his publicist to book him during the AViD series in Des Moines! Peter brought in a great crowd when he came a few years ago and I expect he will pull another huge audience this time. So mark your calendars for April 12 as he will probably be the author to kick off the series! Not sure just yet on the venue--maybe Hoyt Sherman, maybe Drake.

I'm also working out details with Nick Reding, author of Methland, who also is interested in attending. So that's two Iowa related authors already.

My good friends at HarperCollins are working on several outstanding writers as well and so I am getting excited to see just who we can bring to celebrate our tenth year!

I received a galley copy of Peter's new book and it is a delightful romp through Brooklyn Heights, filled with zany humor, Peter's quick-witted observations on everyday life and some wonderful characterizations of parents overindulging their children and themselves.

Unfortunately, I am so tired from moving furniture that I can't stay awake to read more of the book. We are in the midst of re-finishing eight rooms of wood floors. Last week we moved out four rooms and this weekend, we moved those four rooms' furniture back as well as four other roomfuls of furniture. By the end of this week we should have all eight rooms and the hallway finished so we can then begin to get back to normal life. Still need to paint two bedrooms and a guy is coming tomorrow to hopefully begin work on a new deck outside. Life in an old house is never dull.

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